Matt Mason, director of software development with IMAGINiT Technologies, of Rand Worldwide, answered some questions for AECCafe Voice about the release of the new version of IMAGINiT Clarity, Clarity 2016.1. The new release includes new features in IMAGINiT Clarity, IMAGINiT Clarity Connect, IMAGINiT Clarity Connect LT and the newly released IMAGINiT Clarity Owner Data Portal (ODP), designed to aid AEC firms in capturing information from BIM models and to facilitate the transition from construction to building operations.
Some enhancements include expanded spreadsheets, improved data collection, including COBie data, and graphical reports. The new IMAGiNiT’s Clarity Owner Data Portal for facility managers offers ARCHIBUS integration and building centric reports to make better use of the BIM information.
AECCafe Voice: As your primary integration is with Autodesk products, it’s interesting that you have ARCHIBUS integration. Can you explain why?
Matt Mason: While IMAGINiT has always been an Autodesk partner, we have also had a relationship (going back almost as long) with ARCHIBUS for facilities management. We have a team devoted to facilities management, and ARCHIBUS is their sole technology platform. So we wanted to be able to provide a deeper integration for the owners that we work with on that team.
AECCafe Voice: Is the Owner Data Portal made easier to use for owners?
Matt Mason: Yes, we have developed Clarity Owner Data Portal (ODP) with a mindset that owners have a different level of comfort with Autodesk Revit than most AEC-oriented firms. Clarity Owner Data Portal tries to make it easier for owners to get the benefits of BIM, with less need to understand how to work with Revit. We’ve developed specific features for owners, as well as adjusted the user interface to account for other differences.
AECCafe Voice: What were previous processes in place before this release?
Matt Mason: For us, in the past, our product was oriented at AEC firms. AEC firms tend to have some stakeholders who are Revit experts and some stakeholders who are not – and we tried to provide both information and capabilities to the stakeholders who were not Revit experts (or who just wanted some of their manual work taken care of).
AECCafe Voice: How is data collection improved and reports and datasheets “expanded?”
Matt Mason: The new version of Clarity goes further to liberate data that is locked up in Revit models and make the information available to non-Revit users in new and interesting ways. We are extracting more kinds of information, and making it available in tabular form, in graphical form, as well as with room and equipment datasheets – all generated directly from the Revit data.
AECCafe Voice: What types of data will users be able to get from the BIM model with the Owner Data Portal?
Matt Mason: An owner would be able to get hundreds of types of reports out of their Clarity ODP system, about all of the different kinds of data in their Revit models for the building. This includes information like equipment asset data, room finish schedules, room installation datasheets, and more. The information may be used to validate that the AEC firm or GC has delivered a set of Revit models that meet their BIM standards for data.
From company materials:
Latest Enhancements to IMAGINiT Clarity Products
- Enhanced Data Collection and Reporting offer additional ways to quickly enter and edit data, including batch editing and setting rules to classify important data, such as COBie data. In addition to being compatible with facilities management systems, this data can be used to generate graphical reports on rooms, furniture and equipment that are easy for building operations teams to review.
- Expanded Data Sheets include measurement by area as well as spaces to allow companies managing individual rooms to view information by suite or building floor level.